Providers and prescribers of CT medical marijuana have started seeing great success in treating many different conditions, including treating veterans for many ailments. The outcomes that CBD is providing for veterans has been nearly unanimous in its positivity and helping them get back to living productive and happy lives. With a CT medical marijuana card veterans can get therapeutic doses of marijuana to help ease the symptoms of a variety of medical conditions.

A story from a veteran from Afghanistan shows just how much CBD can help those with not only pain but PTSD and other afflictions that may or may not meet medical marijuana card requirements after they return home. Mental health issues create a stigma and many people do not understand how to treat pain they cannot see; psychological pain. When veteran Leo Bridgewater (42) came home from Afghanistan, he suffered from PTSD and pain. His uncle that served in the Vietnam war has used medical marijuana as a treatment and told him to try it. Leo needed knee surgery due to an injury as a paratrooper in a war which has caused him immense pain. He decided to give medical marijuana a try and it eased the pain almost instantly and he was able to move better.

When soldiers are on pain medications and antipsychotics there can be serious side effects, including addiction, overdose, and even suicidal thinking. Unfortunately, CBD is not a treatment for PTSD but is a treatment for pain. As it was able to alleviate both pain and PTSD symptoms, there are still many veterans suffering from PTSD who could find relief through the use of medical marijuana.

An estimated 20% of veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan are currently suffering from depression, anxiety, PTSD or a combination of all of them. The suicide rate for veterans is 50% higher than the national average. As CBD helped Leo with nightmares, anxiety, and depression from PTSD, it may also be able to help other veterans suffering from PTSD. With a medical marijuana card and access to CBD, many veterans may be able to find relief and ease their suffering from psychological issues while increasing their quality of life.